
2020-09-24 浏览120次



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地点: 云南开放批准设立的远程教育学习中心。



    云南开放是一所由云南省人民主办、省教育厅主管,以信息技术为支撑,坚持学历教育与非学历教育并举,开放教育与高职教育“双模式”发展,面向全体社会成员开展终身学习服务的省属公办新型高等学校。其前身是1979 年5月建校的云南广播电视。

    2009年7月,云南省人民批准云南广播电视与成立于2004年7月的云南国防工业职业技术合并办学,实行两块牌子,一套班子,一个法人的运行机制。2010 年10月,国务院批准云南作为深化教育体制综合、探索开放建设模式的5 个试点省(市)。2012年12月26日,批准云南广播电视更名为云南开放。




1.  The people living __C___ to your house is your neighbor.

A.afterB.near       C. next   D.beside

2.  I would like to make a request __A____ a contribution.

 A.for     B.with   C.from  D.in

3.  The price of this medicine grows very __A__ here.

A. rapidly     B. hard  C. high  D.immediately

4.  Andrew received an award __A___ his outstanding achievement.

 A.for    B.in       C.with   D.to

5.  Will I get an invitation __C___ the party?

 A.in              B.for             C.to        D.on

6.  Our manager is very proud, but the employees do not think much _B__ him.

 A.about              B.of        C.on              D.to

7.  This bag is too __A___ for me to carry all by myself.

A.heavy        B. busy         C.bossy        D.dirty

8.  He tried to join the army but was turned __C__ for his poor health.

 A.away        B.up             C.down         D.back

9.  It won’t __C__ you a long time to finish this homework.

 A.spend             B.cost           C.take           D.pay

10.         You should think about it twice before you ___C___ to do it.

A.hope               B.expect              C.make up your mind             D.pick up

11.         The weather is so nice today. Let’s go there _B___.

A.by foot            B.on foot            C.on bus             D.by walk

12.         I don’t need any advice.  I have too much advice __B___. 

A. all ready         B.already             C.still            D.yet

13.         Pay attention __A__ the details.

 A.to             B.for             C.with           D.in

14.         It’s getting so dark in the room. I guess it is __B___ six o’clock.

A.at large            B. at least            C.at last        D. at most

15.         Why are you so angry?  Could you __C__ it to me?

 A.guess             B.introduce         C.explain             D.tell

16.          Mrs. Edward doesn’t like to take a bus.  We walked there __D____.

A. instead of             B.as well             C.as well as               D. instead

17.         Nowadays many young people intend to __D__ their studies abroad.

A. farther             B. father              C.future        D.further

18.         You can get your bachelor’s degree (学士学位)after you _A___ from the university.

A.graduate          B.end            C.finish         D.are away

19.         We soon ___B__ the airport.

A.arrive in           B.arrive at           C.reach to           D.arrive

20.         There is a __A___ of two hours in the 7:40 train.

A.delay         B.late            C.later           D.decay

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